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  • Hotel Italia (2 Star)

    Address: Piazza Castello 31 Abbiategrasso
    Phone : 39 02 9462871 (Check Rooms availablity below, without calling Hotel Italia)

    Get instant availablity at Hotel Italia, We offer the lowest room rates guarantee. All booking will be confirmed right now. No need for waiting for an email or calling or faxing the hotel.

    Check Rates and room availablity

    For groups and manual reservation requests please click here to email us we will respond to you within 24 hours

    Rates & Availability for Hotel Italia

    Number of Rooms
    Check-in date:
    Check-out date:

    Hotel Italia Piazza Castello 31 Hotel details and room rates

    Hotel Italia online hotel reservation picture

    To request quote for groups or conference package at Hotel Italia please contact us

    facilities and options available at Hotel Italia

    Exotic Italy Tours is a tour operator in Italy. We offer room reservation at best possible rates for Hotel Italia.

    Our reservation system is fully automated you will get instant availablity and instant reservation. Once the reservation is made you will get a hotel voucher which you can print and present to hotel when you arrive at the hotel.

    You may also confirm your reservation from the hotel directly by calling Hotel Italia Hotel at their phone number 39 02 9462871them.

    Locate Hotel Italia Piazza Castello 31 on google maps

    For more details and information about Hotel Italia email us

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